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We value your input on how to improve Sleekplan. Share your ideas and report any issues here. Also Subscribe to all Changelog posts to stay updated on everything we ship.
We value your input on how to improve Sleekplan. Share your ideas and report any issues here. Also Subscribe to all Changelog posts to stay updated on everything we ship.
@monokee this has been added to the embed, we have created a new version for in-app mobile views. You need to add .../?style=mobile to your URL :)
Any progress on this?
@marco It would be greatly appreciated if this issue could be addressed. There are a few solutions I would like to propose: 1) Add a "margin-top" of "env(safe-area-inset-top)" to the widget. 2) Give us manual control over how the widget is embedded. That way we could append it to a custom container that has the appropriate margins. 3.) Provide the option for custom CSS for the widget. This would also allow us to fix the currently dysfunctional dark theme. Options 2 and 3 would be ideal if you don't plan to natively support fullscreen apps on notch based mobile hardware. (Which includes most high end iOS and Android devices in 2023). Thank you.