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We value your input on how to improve Sleekplan. Share your ideas and report any issues here. Also Subscribe to all Changelog posts to stay updated on everything we ship.
We value your input on how to improve Sleekplan. Share your ideas and report any issues here. Also Subscribe to all Changelog posts to stay updated on everything we ship.
@kevin_coppens great suggestion! We have also thought about this in the past 🙌
Let's collect some ideas how such a feature could look like:
Option: Let the user take a full-site screenshot and draw on that to highlight specific things!
Hi @marco thanks for your reply! Love the option as well ! :D
Suggestion: It would be more effective with a couple of tweaks to capture the user journey to a specific bug:
1) video recording (so the user can demonstrate how did the bug occur.
2) recording a heatmap / UI components interaction so that the devs can see hw the bug did occur.
Some companies offer this by providing an SDK that you can integrate in your stack that will detect UI components interaction, for instance.
@contact (1) agree with that, that would be another improvement! It would go one step further than @kevin_coppens suggested. Maybe we should start with a basic solution, and see how that is adopted by end-users, and then extend it.
(2) "recording a heatmap / UI components interaction so that the devs can see hw the bug did occur."
That's a real challenge. However, we could dive a bit deeper into that suggestion. I think it just makes sense if the heatmap is available for the page where the user reported that issue? Attached to the post - maybe? Question: Which past data (range-wise) must be included in such a heatmap?
@sleekuser15784 @marco I think Hotjar does a good job of this. Maybe integrate with them and see how it works, and then incorporate it into your overall solution?
@user613bd3d66cbd8 see comments here
Maybe the best you be to have a special section in addition to feedback which would be Bugs.
@user61078ade0aa03 you can do that by categories (Feature request, Bugs, etc.. for example)
Hello Marco, thanks for the feature, I see we can add picture now but would it be possible to allow the user to directly take picture of the screen within the app ? Maybe I missed something ? thanks a lot!
We are using Sleekplan for bug reporting and have found it incredibly helpful. However, one challenge we often face is that users sometimes forget to attach screenshots when submitting a bug report. Screenshots are often critical for understanding the issue, and their absence can delay resolution.
To address this, I’d like to suggest the following enhancements:
Mandatory Screenshot Field: Make the screenshot field mandatory to ensure users attach at least one visual reference when reporting an issue.
Friendly Reminder: If users attempt to submit a report without a screenshot, display a reminder or a prompt encouraging them to attach one.