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Unable to click on link if on the last line of the Update post when hidden by box boundary.

### Expected Behavior If an update post is one line too short to not include the "More" option to open the post in a new windows; and there is a link in the last line of that post. The user is unable to click on the link; and has no way of expanding the post so that they can click on the link. ### Current Behavior User is unable to click on the link ### Possible Solution As the line begines to fade out at the end of the box; allow the link to show through for clicking. or Clicking on the heading of the update post opens the full post in single view; like the More option on longer posts. Work around - ensure update post is long enough to trigger the "More" menu option. ### Steps to Reproduce Create an update that is long enough to start to get the fade at the end of the box; but not long enough to generate the "More" button Put a link on the last line. See Image Attached Purple More box in top spot is clickable to take user to full details of the post. Link under the Red Box is unable to be clicked as starting to have the bottom of box translucent fading added. Post not long enough to have a "More" option.