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🔥 New Module Arrived: Net Promoter Score!

![Net Promoter Score](BASE/products/1/changelog/2464/inline-25c2fd532443fa361962b7dc143aec7a.jpg) *We have some exciting news! Sleekplan NPS has been officially launched* 🎉 This module is part of all paid plans, starting from "Starter"-Plan. The Net Promoter Score can be used to measure user satisfaction and get real user feedback. NPS is often used by customer support teams, product managers, marketing professionals, and others to improve their products and services. It is an effective metric size where the level of customer satisfaction is measured on a scale of 1-10. With NPS we extend customer satisfaction (CSAT) with another great solution. **What does it mean to you?** 1. Make use of the *Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)*-module to measure short-term customer loyalty and transactional feedback (i.e. How would you rate our onboarding experience). 2. Make use of the *Net Promoter Score (NPS)*-module to evaluate long-term customer loyalty and happiness (i.e. How likely is it that you recommend our Product to a friend or colleague) **Simply navigate to Settings > General and activate the NPS module to get started.** We're excited to see your feedback!